Sunday, August 12, 2012

Well we are settled......

Yankees once again.....

Well i figured since it has been a good 2 years since I have updated this I thought it might be a good time to start.. The past 2 1/2 years have consumed my life with a little thing called nursing school... life has resumed somewhat back to normalcy since May... So the Yaravitz family is officially settled as well as can be expected. Since our move in early June of this year it has been a transition.. some days easier than others. Moving across 5 states and approximately 900 miles from home is a lot harder than we expected, especially when you have a little person who misses her friends and her school terribly. How do you teach a 5 year old that it will get better ? Martin and I have had more teaching moments in the past 8 weeks than we ever thought we would at this point in our lives. Starting over is tough, especially when all you know is the little world of Greensboro, NC, the little bubble of Temple Emanuel in which Hannah lived 6 out of 7 days of each week with some of the best little people as friends that we could ever have asked for. So as for us... at least for myself I can say I am glad to be reunited with some of our old friends but i truly miss those special friendships i formed in the last 3 years... I miss coffee dates with Tracy Lurey and Jodi Kolada.. i miss spending shabbat at temple emanuel and having dinner afterwards with the entire community or our sunday family dinners with the Ringels...SO excited to see them in December....However during our times of being homesick we have managed to carry on. Hannah is registered for Kindergarten... she starts school on september 5.. I cant believe we are at this point already... She is all registered to begin religious school at our new temple community... it will be a transition but hoping for a smooth one...Martin is enjoying his new job and we have determined that overall it was a wise business decision. I am officially a REGISTERED NURSE! i passed my NCLEX exam on August 1 and can officially look for a nursing job. It feels amazing to finally reap the benefits of my hard work for 2 years.  Hannah is back in her gymnastics world taking classes.. we have found a gym where she seems to feel at home which is a good thing. She has been back in swimming as well and may possibly be on a jr swim team this fall. We will see what comes of our meeting with the team director this week. We have also joined our local YMCA so we are busy doing activities that they have for families and young kids. I will say that one of the BEST things that has come of our move has been us being closer in proximity to my family. I have missed the Davis girls so much and I am so glad we can share holidays and family memories together once again. Sometimes its the tough times that you turn to your family and everything seems just a little bit better.
Our upcoming school year has so much adventure awaiting us... I cant wait to update everyone on our family and what fun we are getting ourselves into! Greensboro look for us! we will be visiting in the next few months. We miss you all too much!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Purim at TEPS

hannah and Rabbi Andy

Hannah and her friends from school
Lighting the Shabbat candles

So I am very new to this Purim thing. I will be honest, I had no clue what it was, but my little educational sponge Hannah informed me quickly. It is so great to see her learning not just about letters, numbers, and such, but about her culture. Friday her preschool at a big Purim party. All the kids dressed up. Hannah was a ballerina.....Martin made yummy hamantaschen.. YUMMY YUMMY, as usual.... and Rabbi Andy sang songs with the kids and we all danced around. it was so fun. Afterwards, the kids got to play some games and win some prizes. I think Hannah's favorite part was shaking the grogger...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Im slacking!

Fun in the snow!
Hannah and Daddy
Ready to go play!
Mommy and Hannah, snow , january 2010
Daddy and Hannah, jan 2010
Meg and I out to celebrate me passing my nursing entrance exam :)
At the zoo
i LOVE this picture!

Wow i just noticed that it has been since Christmas that I last blogged. I can not believe it is already February... where does the time go? 2010 has so far been a fantastic year! I know it is just going to continue to be a fantastic year too! School is back in session for me, so our schedules are crazy once again, but thats life... we wouldn't know any different. Hannah is still loving preschool and is really enjoying her time at TEPS. She can spell and write her name, and the other day she surprised Martin and me by spelling "Mom" and "Dad".. .we were very thrilled and are so very proud of her.
I have officially finished my application packet for the nursing program at GTCC. The deadline is February 9th, which is less than a week away. Now all I have to do is wait for my "acceptance," "alternate," or "denial" letter.. lets hope for an acceptance letter!
Anyways, here are some photos that we have taken in the last 2 months!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Snow!

Snowball FIGHT!

Zadie teaching Hannah how to throw snowballs!My cutie pie!
Roslyn, Hannah, and Me!
Our family
Investigating the snow
Eskimo Daddy!

Christmas came early for all of us who wanted a white Christmas! Snow began to fall early Friday afternoon and did not let up into late into the night and into Saturday morning. By the time we woke up, we had about 6 inches of snow to play in! We got Hannah all bundled up in her makeshift snow suit(do the stores in the south even carry snowsuits?) and we went out to have fun in the snow! She had a blast making and throwing snowballs at Daddy mostly, but also chasing Jasmine around in the snow..... what a fun start to our Christmas holiday!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Parent's Day at Gymnastics!

Tumblebees held parents week at gymnastics and dance this week. Here are some photos from that day!
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